Managing Wildlife Habitats

Saltmarsh Sparrows in New Hampshire
Do you live near a salt marsh? Or maybe you’ve visited a NH beach and noticed the nearby marshes? If so, one of the coolest evolutionary stories may b... Learn More
Much of the work of NH Fish & Game Department's Fisheries Habitat Program is providing technical assistance/expertise to restore and conserve fish hab... Learn More
With some of New Hampshire's tiniest critters in mind, Carroll County Forester Wendy Scribner tackles the dilemma of what to do with all of the leaves... Learn More
New Hampshire is home to seven species of native turtles, and more than half of those species have some level of state conservation listing. Working L... Learn More
The Community Conservation Cohort is all about empowering conservation commissions to get one-the-ground projects to protect wildlife and habitats dev... Learn More
Small mammals and mycorrhizal fungi are integral component to forests, but how do their interactions shape forest regeneration? UNH research at the Se... Learn More
Forests play an important role in the fight against climate change due to their ability to remove carbon dioxide (C02) from the atmosphere and store c... Learn More
What Attributes of Road Crossings are Most Effective in Aiding Successful Amphibian Species Migration?
One size does not fit all when it comes to suitable road crossing designs for vernal pool primary indicator amphibian species migration. Learn More
After completing fall 2021 training, the 23 participants in the second annual Community Conservation Cohort rolled up their sleeves and got to work on... Learn More
2021 NH Milkweed Pod Collection Effort Was A Success
In September 2021, NH Fish & Game Department and UNH Cooperative Extension put a request out to any and all New Hampshire residents – find and collect... Learn More