Community Board or Committee

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Protect Important Habitats and Natural Communities
New Hampshire is home to an abundance of diverse wildlife habitats and natural communities, which can make it difficult to decide where to focus…
Community Board or Committee, Conservation Organization Plan for wildlife, Protect land
Building Trails? Consider Wildlife
Thoughtful trail location allows us to get outside to enjoy nature and also minimize disturbance to wildlife.
Community Board or Committee, Conservation Organization, Landowner Manage habitat, Plan for wildlife
Take Action to Reduce your Contribution to Climate Change
Ultimately, the best way to protect wildlife and habitats in the face of climate change is to reduce the amount of greenhouse gases that are…
Community Board or Committee, Conservation Organization, Interested Individual, Landowner Learn more, Support wildlife
Incorporate Wildlife Into Town Documents
Communities can incorporate wildlife habitat protection considerations into their municipal documents and regulations.
Community Board or Committee Plan for wildlife, Protect land, Support wildlife
Increase the Percentage of Land-Use Change Tax in Placed in Your Conservation Fund
If you would like to increase the percentage of the land use change tax that goes into your Conservation Fund, you should be prepared to explain the…
Community Board or Committee Protect land, Support wildlife
Promote the Use of Vegetated Buffers along Water Bodies and Wetlands
Vegetated buffers aren’t just good for wildlife; they’re good for communities, too! From providing critical habitat and protecting water quality to…
Community Board or Committee, Conservation Organization Manage habitat
Host a Speaking for Wildlife presentation
The Speaking for Wildlife program offers free public talks and walking tours, focused on wildlife and habitats, to libraries, town boards, classrooms…
Community Board or Committee, Conservation Organization Educate others, Learn more
Seek help from a Licensed Forester
A professional licensed forester will help you to develop and execute a vision and plan for your property. Working with a licensed forester will help…
Community Board or Committee, Landowner Manage habitat, Plan for wildlife, Protect land, Support wildlife
Learn about the Impacts of Climate Change and Educate Others
Climate change is throwing a number of curveballs at NH's wildlife and habitats, from rising temperatures to more extreme precipitation.…
Community Board or Committee, Conservation Organization Educate others, Learn more
Support Inclusion of Wildlife and Climate in Planning, Policies, and Regulations
There are many opportunities for municipalities to include climate impacts and wildlife protection in plans, policies, and regulations.
Community Board or Committee, Interested Individual, Landowner Plan for wildlife, Support wildlife